Friday, November 19, 2010

A Government of the Middle, by the Middle and for the Middle

Um Governo do Meio, pelo Meio e para o Meio
Só as grandes expectativas conduzem a grandes desilusões. Como em Março passado nos foi dada uma pista do que seria o novo Governo da RAEM, tenho de admitir que as minhas expectativas eram, desta feita, bastante baixas – mas o factor surpresa poderia ter sido induzido, para melhor (o inesperado) e para pior (bater no fundo!).
A Government of the Middle, by the Middle and for the Middle
(Published in Portuguese in Ponto Final, Macao, November 19th 2010)
By Eric Sautede

Only high expectations are conducive to great disappointments, and as we had already had a hint at what was to come from the new Macao SAR government last March, I must admit that my expectations were rather low this time around—surprises could thus be enticed, for better (the unexpected) and for worse (a race to the bottom)! Let’s be clear right from the start: the policy address delivered by Fernando Chui Sai-on on November 16th is just uninspiring as well as short-sighted, and seems to denote a misunderstanding (at best!) of the role the political leader of a community has to play, and ultimately confirms a propaganda-like logorrhea twist that is rather worrying for the “high-degree of autonomy” that the SAR is supposed to enjoy until 2049.